Steve Koskela

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Seeking Election Day Polling Location Volunteers


It's almost Election Day and Steve needs your help! 

Let's show our friend Steve how much we support him at the polls on Tuesday. 

Bring your chair, your friends, or even your kids!! If you're a people person, then this is the perfect job for you (We may even have some special deliveries of food and snacks!!) Say "Hello!" or "Thanks for Voting Today!",or even spark up a conversation with a new friend!!  Not much of a people person?? No problem!!!  The signs can do all the work!!!! All you gotta do is sit there with a sign!!  (Did I mention there will be snacks!?!?) This is the perfect job for anyone!! 

Please sign up for as many slots as you're available for and TELL EVERYONE you know!!!   There are 7 polling places in Ward 3, open from 6am to 7pm, so Steve needs his amazing village to finish strong and WIN this election as the new City Councilman in Ward 3!!! 
Thank you again for all of your help and support with this election. Steve has an amazing village supporting him and it means the world to him to have your support and can't wait to serve the City of O'Fallon and support the wonderful community in Ward 3.  

Let's show our friend Steve how much we support him at the polls on Tuesday. 



Meet and Greet at Blue Sky in WingHaven

Come out to the Blue Sky Cafe to meet one of the O’Fallon City Council Candidates for Ward 3, Steve Koskela.  Grab a drink, ask questions, get to know Steve, and see firsthand why he’s the best candidate for Ward 3.
Hosted by @FriendsForSteveKoskela

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Register to Vote In St. Charles County

April 5, 2022 General Municipal Election

Last Day to Register to Vote in the April 5 General Municipal Election Is Wednesday, March 9

  • St. Charles County residents may register in person at the Election Authority office at 397 Turner Boulevard in St. Peters, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (The office will be closed Feb. 21.)

  • Online registration is available on the Secretary of State’s website.

  • Other options for registering to vote can be found in the Voter Registration Information section located on this page and Voting in St. Charles County.

Absentee Voting in the April 5 General Municipal Election Begins Tuesday, Feb. 22

St. Charles County Election Authority

397 Turner Boulevard

St. Peters, MO 63376

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, Feb. 22-April 4

8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Saturday, April 2

For information regarding absentee voting, please see Voting in St. Charles County.

Aug. 2, 2022 Primary Election

Candidate Filing Information for August Primary Election

  • Candidate filing for the Aug. 2, 2022 Primary Election is Feb. 22–March 29 at 5 p.m.

  • Filing for county-wide and County Council offices as well as Central Committee positions will be at the St. Charles County Election Authority at 397 Turner Blvd., St. Peters, MO 63376. The office is open 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Contact the Election Authority at 636-949-7550 for questions. Filing for Statewide offices is at the Secretary of State office in Jefferson City, MO. For more information visit their website. 

  • Candidates must show proof of identity when filing (for example, voter identification card, Missouri driver's license, or birth certificate).

  • Candidate's Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements (Form 5120) must be filed with the Department of Revenue and a copy given to the political subdivision when filing. Please note that the form must be notarized. Information regarding this requirement is available in the Candidate's Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements section on the Department of Revenue's website.

  • View the Missouri Ethics Commission website for more information or call 800-392-8660

Voter Registration Information

  • To register online, visit the Missouri Secretary of State website.

  • St. Charles County residents may register in person at the Election Authority office at 397 Turner Boulevard in St. Peters.

  • Residents may register while obtaining services from state agencies such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, Division of Family Services, Military Recruitment or WIC.

  • Register to vote or change your voter registration information with the Missouri Voter Registration Application (PDF).

Directions to the Election Authority

  • The Election Authority is located off I-70 and Highway 79 in St. Peters.

  • Exit off I-70 and head north on Highway 79.

  • Get in the right lane and bear right onto the North Outer Road exit.

  • Go straight at the stop sign, crossing over the North Outer Road.

  • You will be on Turner Boulevard. The Election Authority is in the second building on the right.

Helpful Resources


Click here for the St. Charles County Election Authority Website

Steve Koskela


My name is Steve Koskela. I am running for O’Fallon City Council Ward 3 on April 5, 2022. I want to share a little bit about myself, so you can get to know a little about who I am, and what matters to me. I’d love the same opportunity to get to know you! You can reach out to me at, or here anytime!

I have been an O’Fallon resident since my family moved here in 1999. I am a graduate from Fort Zumwalt West in 2002. Since moving here, I have seen the vast changes and improvements within our community during its rapid growth. 

I am married to my wife Jenni, of almost 14 years, and we have 3 smart, beautiful daughters. I currently live in the Countryshire Neighborhood off the ever-growing Paul Renaud Blvd. We enjoy our neighborhood and neighbors, and the opportunities our children have to safely play within our parks and community. We enjoy our parks and community, but most of all, we love our city.

I am currently the Product Manager at C. Bennett Premium Building supplies right here in O’Fallon. We are a family owned, premium materials supplier to home builders, residential customers, and commercial contractors. I have been in the construction and home renovation business locally, for a little over 13 years. I am in support of the responsible growth of our community. 

With my experience in the industry, I will make responsible, effective decisions that are in the best interest of the city, the residents, and future residents coming to O’Fallon.

I live, work, and play in our city.

City Involvement:

  • I currently serve on the board of Adjustment for the City of O’Fallon as the vice chairperson. I have been a board member since October of 2019. This position has given me the opportunity to listen to citizens of the city. Get to know what they want from their closest officials. Forming educated, sensible decisions while listening to city staff and citizen presentations on variance requests has been extremely important to me.

  • In 2021, the City of O’Fallon launched the CPAC. The Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee. I was honored to serve as the vice chairperson for the committee alongside other selected citizens of the community. The objective of the CPAC was to formulate an in-depth full scope plan for the City of O’Fallon for the next 10 years. Looking at possible growth locations, park locations, and traffic control has me excited for our city’s future!

  • In 2020, the city of O’Fallon proposed a special use tax for the ballot known as Prop 1. This ballot measure was to increase funding for the City of O’Fallon police department. I was happy to serve on the committee supporting this ballot measure known as Prop1-Back the blue, as the committee treasurer. Safety in our streets, our officer’s safety, and the safety of our residents is of the utmost importance. Since the passage of Prop 1, we have a better funded police department that has continued to keep O’Fallon safe, and secure.

  • I recently completed my 3rd term on the Board of Directors for the Countryshire neighborhood, as President of the HOA. Sensible decisions regarding budget, contract negotiations, indentures, and contractor selection for a large community in Ward 3 were daily tasks. Many trying decisions had to be made regarding costs of services caused by the pandemic. 

These have all been learning experiences that developed skills I will carry with me forever and utilize as I continue serving the city of O’Fallon.  

If there is anything else you would like to know about me, please ask. I am about as approachable as anyone can be. I love people, I love company, and I love being part of a team. If you see me out enjoying our great community, say hi! I will have a conversation with anyone, listen to you, and help in every way I can.

Thank you for your support,

Steve Koskela


For contribution to campaign:

Friends For Steve Koskela

72 Old Country Ct

Lake St. Louis Mo 63367